The damn "s"


Reminiscences of a console operator.

You work on something. Day in and day out. If you are woken up at 3 am, you'd scream: "http://localhost:3000!"

One day you move your carefully crafted backend code to production. Happy days! It's no longer localhost, it's a proper "" domain! People can use your stuff. If they only care...

But wait. Something's wrong. You set up your auth server, so it has unauthenticated routes to allow your future users to sign up and log in. The rest is behind a token authentication middleware. So far so good. It worked all those months without a glitch.

Somehow, when deployed to your Kubernetes cluster on your proper domain, it fails and asks for a token every time. But why?

Pulling your hair out, you wonder, "Am I crazy?"

Time goes by... Investigating, and finally enlightenment!

That's right, you forgot the damn "s". It's "" now...

😂 Happy coding!
